Ed Norton gave the kind of answer you’d expect when the question is, “What’s it like working with Bill Murray?’
“He’s like the crazy uncle you always hope will show up and doesn’t always,” Norton told Inc. “The last time I saw Bill, we were barking and yapping and growling. We were giving voice to two dogs who are friends in the same pack in Wes Anderson‘s next animated movie, ‘Isles of Dogs.’”
But Norton also appreciates Murray’s serious side, not only as a fellow actor but as someone who shares a dedication to philanthropy. Norton and Murray have partnered to raise money for Mercy Home, a network of Chicago residences for kids in crisis, using sales from Bill and his five brothers’ apparel company, William Murray Golf, which includes Cubs-themed fashions in its collection.
“Bill and his brothers (Joel, Ed, Andy, Brian and John) have a sincere commitment to making a whole sort of enterprise; something that delivers a positive impact to the Mercy Home,” Norton said. The Murrays, Wilmette natives, have a long history of supporting the group — their mother, Lucille, used to donate spare cash from each month’s pay.